Linehaul & Dock App Return Events


This document contains all of the return events that are related to Maven's linehaul and dock application for LTL.

Refer to the overview page for general information on return events.

Manifest Return Events

Manifest Details Updated

Event Type



The manifest details updated return event fires anytime the header information of a manifest is updated. The return event will include the time the event was generated, along with all fields that were modified; including the previous and updated values. For a list of all possible fields that can be updated, please refer to the table in the UpdateManifestDetails command found here.

The header information of a manifest does not include updates to status or associated shipments.

For each field that is updated, an object containing the previous and updated values is provided. The previous and updated value can be null implying the field was added or removed respectively.

Sample Payload

  id: "cc62f15b-d47c-46e9-ba79-dcd1a962c82d",
  timestamp: "2024-12-10T13:47:00",
  eventType: "ManifestDetailsUpdated",
  data: {
    eventTime: "2024-12-10T13:46:01", 
    destinationLocationCode: {
      previous: "PHL",
      updated: "PGH"
    destinationDoorNumber: {
      previous: null,
      updated: "15"
  referenceIds: {
    manifestId: "2024-12-06-D828078"

Started Unloading Manifest

Event Type



The started unloading manifest event is fired anytime a manifest is transitioned into an unloading status. The event includes the time the event was generated, the dock location of the manifest where unloading is taking place, as well as the set of shipments that are currently loaded onto the manifest.

Sample Payload

  id: "cdc29eac5-2946-4ff4-bce3-a96be4985e8f",
  timestamp: "2024-12-10T13:47:00",
  eventType: "StartedUnloadingManifest",
  data: {
    eventTime: "2024-12-10T13:46:01", 
    locationCode: "PGH",
    doorNumber: "15",
    loadedShipments: [{
      proNumber: "91203901",
      BOLNumber: "XX1",
      PONumber: "YY2",
      PUNumber: "ZZ3"
    }, {
      proNumber: "91203902",
      BOLNumber: "XX1",
      PONumber: "YY2",
      PUNumber: "ZZ3"
    }, {
      proNumber: "91203903",
      BOLNumber: "XX1",
      PONumber: "YY2",
      PUNumber: "ZZ3"
    }, {
      proNumber: "91203904",
      BOLNumber: "XX1",
      PONumber: "YY2",
      PUNumber: "ZZ3"
  referenceIds: {
    manifestId: "2024-12-06-D828078"

Finished Unloading Manifest

Event Type



The finished unloading manifest event is fired anytime a manifest is marked as completed unloading. The event includes the time the event was generated, the dock location of the manifest where unloading is taking place, as well as any shipments that remained on the manifest after unloading was complete. If no shipments remained on the manifest, the loadedShipments array will be empty.

Sample Payload

  id: "77b3013d-0fc2-408f-ac3c-d76fcb81db1b",
  timestamp: "2024-12-10T13:47:00",
  eventType: "FinishedUnloadingManifest",
  data: {
    eventTime: "2024-12-10T13:46:01", 
    locationCode: "PGH",
    doorNumber: "15",
    loadedShipments: [{
      proNumber: "91203901",
      BOLNumber: "XX1",
      PONumber: "YY2",
      PUNumber: "ZZ3"
  referenceIds: {
    manifestId: "2024-12-06-D828078"