P&D Return Events
P&D Return Events List
In total, there are 32 different event types that can be subscribed to covering updates made in the integration layer, the Dispatch web portal, and in the Maven driver application. The full list of return events is listed below.
- manifestCreated
- manifestPlanned
- manifestClosed
- manifestDispatched
- manifestRouteUpdated
- manifestUpdated
- routeStart
- departTerminal
- geofenceTerminalDeparture
- routeETAUpdate
- routeStopListUpdated
- routeReturn
- geofenceTerminalArrival
- arriveTerminal
- routeComplete
- stopArrival
- stopBegin
- stopComplete
- stopDeparture
- geofenceStopDeparture
- stopRouteUpdated
- parentStopMerged
- shipmentCreated
- shipmentUpdated
- shipmentUpdatedInMaven
- shipmentAssignment
- shipmentComplete
- shipmentRecomplete
- shipmentUnassignment
- stopAssignment
- stopUnassignment
- customerCreated
- customerUpdated
Fleets have the option to subscribe to whichever return events they deem necessary for receiving updates from Maven.
Standard Data Objects
The format for the data section of various eventType values for return events is standardized based on the underlying data object that is being reported on. For instance, return events that report on manifest data will all share the same basic manifest attributes. In this manner, return events that share a similar base level data type can be parsed in identical fashion, for ease of integration. The various standard data object classifications, and the data they contain, are described below.
Customer Level Data
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
customerTerminal | string | Identifier for terminal associated with this customer. |
customerName | string | Display name of customer. |
customerName2 | string | Secondary/alternate name of customer. |
createdOn | string ISO8601 format, UTC | Timestamp of record creation. |
lastUpdated | string ISO8601 format, UTC | Timestamp of record update. |
customerPhoneDay | string | Day phone for customer. |
customerPhoneNight | string | Night phone for customer. |
addressStreet | string | Street address for customer |
addressStreet2 | string | Secondary address information for customer. |
addressCity | string | City for customer. |
addressState | string2-char ISO abbreviation | State for customer. |
addressZip | string | Zip/postal code for customer. |
addressCountry | string 2-char or 3-char ISO abbreviation | Country for customer. |
isGeocoded | boolean | Whether the address record could be geocoded into lat/lng coordinates. |
geocodedAddress | string | Full geocoded address. |
geocodeLat | float | Geocoded latitude. |
geocodeLng | float | Geocoded latitude. |
timezone | string | Timezone observed at customer location. Timezone will be set by the geocoded location if not specified in the integrations API request. |
Manifest Level Data
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
manifestNumber | string | Manifest number for this manifest. A manifest number is unique identifier for the manifest and can be set with a request to the integrations POST /manifestNumber endpoint. |
manifestName | string | Display name for this manifest. |
associatedRouteCode | string | Identifier for route code associated with manifest. In the Maven system, manifests can be grouped geographically into ‘routes’. This functionality must be set up separately during the integration process. |
prevRouteCode | string | If this manifest has changed route designations, previous route code that this manifest belonged to. |
terminalCode | string | Identifier for terminal associated with manifest. |
date | string YYYY-MM-DD format | Date that manifest will be dispatched. |
routeActualStartTime | string HH:mm:ss format timezone of terminal | Actual start time for driver operating this manifest. |
routeReturnTime | string HH:mm:ss format timezone of terminal | Timestamp that driver indicates the intention to begin to return to the terminal for the the manifest. |
routeEstimatedEndTime | string HH:mm:ss format timezone of terminal | Estimated completion time for driver operating this manifest. |
routeActualEndTime | string HH:mm:ss format timezone of terminal | Actual completion time for driver operating this manifest. |
geofenceDepartureTime | string HH:mm:ss format timezone of terminal | Timestamp that driver breaks the geofence when initially departing the terminal. |
geofenceDepartureLat | float | Recorded latitude of geofence exit for terminal. |
geofenceDepartureLng | float | Recorded longitude of geofence exit for terminal. |
geofenceArrivalTime | string HH:mm:ss format timezone of terminal | Timestamp that driver breaks the geofence when arriving back at the terminal. |
geofenceArrivalLat | float | Recorded latitude of geofence entrance for terminal. |
geofenceArrivalLng | float | Recorded longitude of geofence entrance for terminal. |
driverDepartureTime | string HH:mm:ss format timezone of terminal | Timestamp that driver indicates the departure from the terminal. |
driverDepartureLat | float | Recorded latitude of driver indicating departure from the terminal. |
driverDepartureLat | float | Recorded longitude of driver indiciating departure from the terminal. |
didAutoDepartTerminal | boolean | Whether the vehicle was departed from the terminal via automatic trigger |
didAutoArriveTerminal | boolean | Whether the vehicle was arrived at the terminal via automatic trigger |
driverArrivalTime | string HH:mm:ss format timezone of terminal | Timestamp that driver indicates the arrival to the terminal. |
driverArrivalLat | float | Recorded latitude of driver indicating arrival to the terminal. |
driverArrivalLng | float | Recorded longitude of driver indicating arrival to the terminal. |
routeStartOdometer | string 2 decimal places | Odometer value recorded when driver begins this manifest. |
routeEndOdometer | string 2 decimal places | Odometer value recorded when driver ends this manifest. |
userId | string | Identifier for driver operating this manifest. |
userName | string | Display name for driver operating this manifest. |
vehicleNumber | string | Vehicle number associated with this manifest. |
pullingTrailer | boolean | Whether this vehicle is pulling a trailer. |
trailerNumber | string | Trailer number associated with this manifest. |
dockLocation | string | Manifest location on the dock. |
shipmentsPickedUpCount | int | Current count of shipments picked up on this manifest. |
shipmentsNotPickedUpCount | int | Current count of failed pickups on this manifest. |
shipmentsDeliveredCount | int | Current count of shipments delivered on this manifest. |
shipmentsNotDeliveredCount | int | Current count of failed deliveries on this manifest. |
note | string | Driver-entered notes associated with this manifest. |
mavenRouteInstanceId | int | Maven’s internal identifier for this manifest. Sent back as NULL if there is a manifestNumber (external identifier) set on the manifest. |
associatedStops | array | List of stops associated with this manifest. If there are no stops on the route, an empty array is returned. For the manifestDelete return event, no associatedStops are provided. Please reference “Stop Level Data” for documentation. |
Stop Level Data
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
sequenceNumber | int | Sequence number of stop on associated manifest. |
associatedManifestNumber | string | Manifest that stop is assigned to. |
associatedRouteCode | string | Identifier for route code associated with stop. In the Maven system, stops can be grouped geographically into ‘routes’. This functionality must be set up separately during the integration process. |
prevRouteCode | string | If this stop has changed route designations, previous route code that this stop belonged to. |
terminalCode | string | Identifier for terminal associated with stop. |
date | string YYYY-MM-DD format | Service date scheduled for this stop. |
customerName | string | Name of customer being serviced at this stop. |
customerName2 | string | Secondary/alternate name of customer being serviced at this stop. |
customerAddress | string | Full address for customer. |
customerAddress1 | string | Street address for customer. |
customerAddress2 | string | Secondary address information for customer. |
customerCity | string | City for customer. |
customerState | string 2-char ISO abbreviation | State for customer. |
customerZip | string | Zip/postal code for customer. |
customerCountry | string 2-char or 3-char ISO abbreviation | Country for customer. |
customerLat | float | Latitude coordinates for customer. |
customerLng | float | Longitude coordinates for customer. |
stopNote | string | Driver or dispatcher entered note for stop completion. |
geofenceStartTime | string HH:mm:ss format timezone of terminal | Timestamp of geofence entry for stop. |
geofenceStartLat | float | Recorded latitude of geofence entry for stop. |
geofenceStartLng | float | Recorded longitude of geofence entry for stop. |
driverStartTime | string HH:mm:ss format timezone of terminal | Timestamp of stop arrival. |
driverStartLat | float | Recorded latitude of stop arrival. |
driverStartLng | float | Recorded longitude of stop arrival. |
driverBeginExchange | string HH:mm:ss format timezone of terminal | Timestamp of begin exchange of goods for stop. |
driverBeginExchangeLat | float | Recorded latitude of begin exchange of goods for stop. |
driverBeginExchangeLng | float | Recorded longitude of begin exchange of goods for stop. |
driverEndTime | string HH:mm:ss format timezone of terminal | Timestamp of stop completion. |
driverEndLat | float | Recorded latitude of stop completion. |
driverEndLng | float | Recorded longitude of stop completion. |
driverDepartureTime | string HH:mm:ss format timezone of terminal | Timestamp of stop departure. |
driverDepartureLat | float | Recorded latitude of stop departure. |
driverDepartureLng | float | Recorded latitude of stop departure. |
geofenceEndTime | string HH:mm:ss format timezone of terminal | Timestamp of geofence exit for stop. |
geofenceEndLat | float | Recorded latitude of geofence exit for stop. |
geofenceEndLng | float | Recorded longitude of geofence exit for stop. |
estimatedArrivalTime | string HH:mm:ss format timezone of terminal | Timestamp of estimated arrival time for the driver at this stop. |
estimatedDepartureTime | string HH:mm:ss format timezone of terminal | Timestamp of estimated departure time for the driver at this stop. |
userId | string | Identifier for driver assigned to this stop. |
userName | string | Display name for driver assigned to this stop. |
vehicleNumber | string | Vehicle number associated with this stop. |
trailerNumber | string | Trailer number associated with this stop. |
trailerSwapOccurred | boolean | Indicates whether a trailer swap occurred at this stop location. |
trailerSwapName | string | If a trailer swap occurred, driver-entered name of swap partner. |
originalTrailerNumber | string | If a trailer swap occurred, trailer number that was dropped off. |
stopReferenceNumber | string | Identifier for stop.(Reserved for future use.) |
stopRunningStatus | “pending” ”running” ”complete” ”canceled” | Description of the stop’s current completion status. |
stopType | “lunch” ”checkstop” ”pdStop” | Description of the type of stop being serviced. |
stopSignerName | string | Signature entered for acknowledgement of stop completion, if required. |
stopCode | int | Completion code assigned to the stop. This functionality must be set up separately during the integration process. |
performedByUserCode | string | Identifier for driver or dispatcher who performed the action which triggered this stop event. |
performedByUserName | string | Display name for driver or dispatcher who performed the action which triggered this stop event. |
lunchTaken | boolean | If stop is of type “lunch”, indication whether a lunch break was taken. |
lunchNotTakenReason | string | If stop is of type “lunch”, enumerated description for why a lunch break was not taken. |
lunchNotes | string | If stop is of type “lunch”, driver-entered notes for lunch break. |
associatedShipments | array | list of shipments associated with this stop. Please reference “Shipment Level Data” for documentation. |
Shipment Level Data
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
shipmentType | “pickup” “delivery” | Description of the shipment type. |
addOnPickup | boolean | For shipments of type “pickup”, indication of whether this pickup was generated by the driver during the course of completing a stop. |
date | string YYYY-MM-DD format | Service date scheduled for pickup or delivery. |
completionCode | string | Shipment’s completion status, as set by the driver or dispatcher. Completion codes can be configured during the integration process. |
completionNotes | string | Driver or dispatcher entered note for shipment completion. |
shipmentProNumber | string | Pro Number for shipment. In the Maven system, a Pro Number is used as an external identifier for a delivery. |
shipmentRefNumber | string | Reference Number for shipment. In the Maven system, a Reference Number is used as an external identifier for a pickup. |
pickupSequenceNumber | number | The pickup sequence number of the shipment. If not provided by the integration, this value will be null. |
shipperCustomerName | string | Name of customer which has been designated as the shipper for this shipment. |
shipperCustomerName2 | string | Secondary/alternate name of shipper. |
shipperCustomerNumber | string | Identifier for customer which has been designated as the shipper for this shipment. |
consigneeCustomerName | string | Name of customer which has been designated as the consignee for this shipment. |
consigneeCustomerName2 | string | Secondary/alternate name of consignee. |
consigneeCustomerNumber | string | Identifier for customer which has been designated as the consignee for this shipment. |
addedAccessorials | array of strings | Accessorials which have been marked for this shipment. Accessorial types can be configured during the integration process. |
shipmentRestrictions | array of strings | Restrictions which have been marked for this shipment. Restriction types can be configured during the integration process. |
shipmentTags | array of strings | Tags which are related to this shipment. Tag types can be configured during the integration process. |
shipmentTotalWeight | float | Total weight of the shipment. |
shipmentTotalPieces | int | Total pieces of the shipment. |
shipmentTotalPalletCount | float | Total pallet equivalents of the shipment. |
shipmentTotalPalletSpaces | float | Total volume of the shipment, in pallets. |
shipmentTotalHandlingUnits | float | Total handling units of the shipment. |
refusedPieces | int | Total pieces which were refused for pickup or delivery. |
refusedPalletCount | float | Total pallet equivalents which were refused for pickup or delivery. |
signerName | string | Signature entered for acknowledgement of pickup or delivery, if required. |
destinationZipCode | string | Zip code indicated for delivery destination. |
destinationSIC | string | Terminal code indicated for delivery destination. |
associatedStop | object | For event types that are classified as “shipment-level”. Information about stop that is associated with this shipment. Please reference “Stop Level Data” for documentation. |
shipmentSequenceNumber | number | Deprecated. Duplicate of pickupSequenceNumber. |
documents | array | List of documents associated with this shipment (bill of lading, shipment photo, signature, etc). If there are no documents, an empty array is returned. Please reference Retrieving Documents from Return Events for documentation. |
Return Event Types
The manifestCreated
event is produced when a manifest is created within the Maven system.
- In the Inbound Planning board, shipments are selected and added to plan. This will generate one or more manifests in the Maven system, and each will produce a
event. - In the Maven Dispatch board for inbound planning, a new blank manifest is created.
- A new manifest is sent in through the integrations
POST /manifests
endpoint, and is successfully created.
- The
event is a manifest-level return event. See the documentation for “Manifest Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate the state of the manifest in the Maven system at the time it was created.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 12:00:00",
A manifestPlanned
event is produced when a planned inbound manifest is submitted to dock in the Maven system.
- In the Maven Dispatch board for inbound planning, the menu option for “Submit to Dock” is chosen and one or more manifests are selected to submit to dock. This will produce a
event for each manifest selected.
- The
event is a manifest-level return event. See the documentation for “Manifest Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate the state of the manifest in the Maven system at the time it was planned.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 12:00:00",
"userName":"Smith, John",
The manifestClosed
event is produced when a manifest is marked as closed by an inbound planner.
- In the Maven Dispatch board for inbound planning, the menu option for “Close Routes” is chosen and one or more manifests are selected to be closed. This will produce a
event for each manifest selected.
- The
event is a manifest-level return event. See the documentation for “Manifest Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate the state of the manifest at the time it was marked as closed by the inbound planner.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 12:00:00",
"userName":"Smith, John",
The manifestDispatched
event is produced when a planned inbound manifest is marked for dispatch in the Maven system.
- In the Maven Dispatch board for inbound planning, the menu option for “Submit to Dispatch” is chosen and one or more manifests are selected to be dispatched. This will produce a
event for each manifest selected.
- The
event is a manifest-level return event. See the documentation for “Manifest Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate the state of the manifest in the Maven system at the time it was dispatched.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 12:00:00",
"userName":"Smith, John",
The manifestRouteUpdated
event is produced when the geographical route for a manifest is updated in the Maven system.
- In the Maven dispatch portal, the dispatcher moves a manifest from one geographical route to another.
- The
event is a manifest-level return event. See the documentation for “Manifest Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate theassociatedRouteCode
for the manifest.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 12:00:00",
"userName":"Smith, John",
A manifestUpdated
event is produced when the integrations system successfully processes an update for a manifest.
- An existing manifest is sent in through the integrations
POST /manifests
endpoint, and is successfully updated.
- The
event is a manifest-level return event. See the documentation for “Manifest Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate the state of the manifest in the Maven system at the time it was updated.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 12:00:00",
"userName":"Smith, John",
The routeStart
event is produced when a driver begins the route for a manifest in the Maven system.
- In the Maven driver application, the driver fills out the required information when a manifest is selected, and clicks the button for “Begin Route”.
- The
event is a manifest-level return event. See the documentation for “Manifest Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate information captured by the driver when starting a route for a manifest, includingrouteActualStartTime
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 12:00:00",
"userName":"Smith, John",
The departTerminal
event is produced when a driver indicates departing the terminal for an active manifest.
- In the Maven driver application, the driver presses the button for “Depart Terminal” after starting the route for a manifest.
- In the Maven driver application, custom configuration can be made to automatically trigger terminal departures based upon vehicle speed and/or breaking a geofence.
- The
event is a manifest-level return event. See the documentation for “Manifest Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate thedriverDepartureTime
for a given manifest.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 12:10:00",
"didAutoDepartTerminal": false,
"driverDepartureTime": "07:10:00",
"driverDepartureLat": 40.463657,
"driverDepatureLng": -79.953842,
"geofenceDepartureTime": null,
"geofenceDepartureLat": null,
"didAutoArriveTerminal": null,
"geofenceArrivalTime": null,
"geofenceArrivalLat": null,
"driverArrivalTime": null,
"driverArrivalLat": null,
"driverArrivalLng": null,
"userName":"Smith, John",
The geofenceTerminalDeparture
event is produced when a driver exits the terminal's geofence
- In the Maven driver application, this is automatically triggered based upon breaking the terminal geofence.
- The
event is a manifest-level return event. See the documentation for “Manifest Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate thegeofenceDepartureTime
for a given manifest.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 12:10:00",
"didAutoDepartTerminal": false,
"driverDepartureTime": "07:10:00",
"driverDepartureLat": 40.463657,
"driverDepatureLng": -79.953842,
"geofenceDepartureTime": "07:15:00",
"geofenceDepartureLat": 40.463657,
"geofenceDepartureLng": -78.134345,
"didAutoArriveTerminal": null,
"geofenceArrivalTime": null,
"geofenceArrivalLat": null,
"driverArrivalTime": null,
"driverArrivalLat": null,
"driverArrivalLng": null,
"userName":"Smith, John",
The routeETAUpdate
event is produced when a driver’s route receives updated ETAs from the Maven system.
- ETAs for routes that are in progress are frequently updated throughout the day as the Maven system processes information about the state of the driver’s progress.
- ETAs are also recalculated periodically after any period of inactivity on a driver’s route totaling 15 minutes.
- The
event is a manifest-level return event. See the documentation for “Manifest Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate the updatedestimatedArrivalTime
for each stop on the manifest, as well as the updatedrouteEstimatedEndTime
for the manifest. - Routes that are not yet begun by the driver do not generate routeETAUpdates.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 12:10:00",
"didAutoDepartTerminal": false,
"driverDepartureTime": "07:10:00",
"driverDepartureLat": 40.463657,
"driverDepatureLng": -79.953842,
"geofenceDepartureTime": "07:15:00",
"geofenceDepartureLat": 40.463657,
"geofenceDepartureLng": -78.134345,
"didAutoArriveTerminal": null,
"geofenceArrivalTime": null,
"geofenceArrivalLat": null,
"driverArrivalTime": null,
"driverArrivalLat": null,
"driverArrivalLng": null,
"userName":"Smith, John",
The routeStopListUpdated
event is produced when a route's list of stops is changed. This can occur because a stop is assigned, a stop is unassigned, or the order of stops is changed.
- A stop is assigned to the route by a user using Maven Dispatch.
- A stop is unassigned from the route by a user using Maven Dispatch.
- The route is reordered using Maven Dispatch.
- The route is reorder by the driver using Maven Driver App.
- The
event is a manifest-level return event. See the documentation for “Manifest Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- A
even is produced for all routes, regardless of their lifecycle status.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 12:10:00",
"didAutoDepartTerminal": false,
"driverDepartureTime": "07:10:00",
"driverDepartureLat": 40.463657,
"driverDepatureLng": -79.953842,
"geofenceDepartureTime": "07:15:00",
"geofenceDepartureLat": 40.463657,
"geofenceDepartureLng": -78.134345,
"didAutoArriveTerminal": null,
"geofenceArrivalTime": null,
"geofenceArrivalLat": null,
"driverArrivalTime": null,
"driverArrivalLat": null,
"driverArrivalLng": null,
"userName":"Smith, John",
The routeReturn
event is produced when the driver indicates that all stops on the manifest have been completed, and the driver is ready to begin returning to the terminal.
- In the Maven driver application, the driver completes all stops on the manifest, then clicks the button for “Return to Terminal” to begin the journey back to the terminal for the manifest.
- The
event is a manifest-level return event. See the documentation for “Manifest Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate therouteReturnTime
for a given manifest.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 17:20:00",
"didAutoDepartTerminal": false,
"driverDepartureTime": "07:10:00",
"driverDepartureLat": 40.463657,
"driverDepatureLng": -79.953842,
"geofenceDepartureTime": "07:15:00",
"geofenceDepartureLat": 40.463657,
"geofenceDepartureLng": -78.134345,
"didAutoArriveTerminal": null,
"geofenceArrivalTime": null,
"geofenceArrivalLat": null,
"driverArrivalTime": null,
"driverArrivalLat": null,
"driverArrivalLng": null,
"userName":"Smith, John",
The geofenceTerminalArrival
event is produced when a driver enters the terminal's geofence
- In the Maven driver application, this is automatically triggered based upon breaking the terminal geofence.
- The
event is a manifest-level return event. See the documentation for “Manifest Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate thegeofenceArrivalTime
for a given manifest.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 17:20:00",
"didAutoDepartTerminal": false,
"driverDepartureTime": "07:10:00",
"driverDepartureLat": 40.463657,
"driverDepatureLng": -79.953842,
"geofenceDepartureTime": "07:15:00",
"geofenceDepartureLat": 40.463657,
"geofenceDepartureLng": -78.134345,
"didAutoArriveTerminal": false,
"geofenceArrivalTime": "13:20:00",
"geofenceArrivalLat": 40.463657,
"geofenceArrivalLng": -78.134345,
"driverArrivalTime": null,
"driverArrivalLat": null,
"driverArrivalLng": null,
"userName":"Smith, John",
The arriveTerminal
event is produced when a driver returns to the terminal for an active manifest.
- In the Maven driver application, the driver presses the button for “Arrive Terminal” after completing all stops on the route for a manifest.
- In the Maven driver application, custom configuration can be made to automatically trigger terminal arrivals based on vehicle speed and/or breaking a geofence.
- The
event is a manifest-level return event. See the documentation for “Manifest Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate thedriverArrivalTime
for a given manifest.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 18:20:00",
"didAutoDepartTerminal": false,
"driverDepartureTime": "07:10:00",
"driverDepartureLat": 40.463657,
"driverDepatureLng": -79.953842,
"geofenceDepartureTime": "07:15:00",
"geofenceDepartureLat": 40.463657,
"geofenceDepartureLng": -78.134345,
"didAutoArriveTerminal": false,
"geofenceArrivalTime": "13:20:00",
"geofenceArrivalLat": 40.463657,
"geofenceArrivalLng": -78.134345,
"driverArrivalTime": "13:30:00",
"driverArrivalLat": 40.463657,
"driverArrivalLng": -79.953842,
"userName":"Smith, John",
The routeComplete
event is produced when a driver ends the route for a manifest in the Maven system.
- In the Maven driver application, the driver fills out the required information for a completed manifest, and clicks the button for “Finish Route”.
- The
event is a manifest-level return event. See the documentation for “Manifest Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate information captured by the driver when ending a route for a manifest, such asrouteActualEndTime
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 18:30:00",
"didAutoDepartTerminal": false,
"driverDepartureTime": "07:10:00",
"driverDepartureLat": 40.463657,
"driverDepatureLng": -79.953842,
"geofenceDepartureTime": "07:15:00",
"geofenceDepartureLat": 40.463657,
"geofenceDepartureLng": -78.134345,
"didAutoArriveTerminal": false,
"geofenceArrivalTime": "13:20:00",
"geofenceArrivalLat": 40.463657,
"geofenceArrivalLng": -78.134345,
"driverArrivalTime": "13:30:00",
"driverArrivalLat": 40.463657,
"driverArrivalLng": -79.953842,
"userName":"Smith, John",
The stopArrival
event is produced when a driver arrives at a stop in the Maven system.
- In the Maven driver application, the driver presses the button for “Mark as Arrived” when viewing the next stop on the route for a manifest.
- In the Maven driver application, custom configuration can be made to automatically trigger stop arrivals based on vehicle speed and/or breaking a geofence.
- The
event is a stop-level return event. See the documentation for “Stop Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate thedriverStartTime
, anddriverStartLng
for a given stop.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 13:30:00",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave,Pittsburgh,PA,15224,US",
"customerAddress1":"4117 Liberty Ave",
"userName":"Smith, John",
The stopBegin
event is produced when a driver begins the exchange of goods at a stop in the Maven system.
- In the Maven driver application, the driver presses the button for “Begin Loading/Unloading” after arriving at the next stop on the route for a manifest.
- The
event is a stop-level return event. See the documentation for “Stop Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate thedriverBeginExchange
, anddriverBeginExchangeLng
for a given stop.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 13:32:00",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave,Pittsburgh,PA,15224,US",
"customerAddress1":"4117 Liberty Ave",
"userName":"Smith, John",
The stopComplete
event is produced when a driver completes the exchange of goods at a stop in the Maven system.
- In the Maven driver application, the driver completes all shipments, then presses the button for “Mark Stop as Complete”.
- In the Maven dispatch portal, the dispatcher marks a stop as completed or canceled.
- The
event is a stop-level return event. See the documentation for “Stop Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate thedriverEndTime
, anddriverEndLng
for a given stop.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 13:42:00",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave,Pittsburgh,PA,15224,US",
"customerAddress1":"4117 Liberty Ave",
"userName":"Smith, John",
"completionNotes":"Signer was really happy to receive delivery!",
The stopDeparture
event is produced when a driver is departing from a stop in the Maven system.
- In the Maven driver application, the driver completes a stop, then presses the button for “Begin Next Stop” (or “Return to Terminal” for the final stop on the route).
- The
event is a stop-level return event. See the documentation for “Stop Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate thedriverDepartureTime
, anddriverDepartureLng
for a given stop.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 13:43:00",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave,Pittsburgh,PA,15224,US",
"customerAddress1":"4117 Liberty Ave",
"userName":"Smith, John",
"completionNotes":"Signer was really happy to receive delivery!",
The geofenceStopDeparture
event is produced when a driver breaks the geofence while departing from a stop in the Maven system.
- In the Maven driver application, custom configuration can be made to automatically trigger stop departures based on vehicle speed and/or breaking a geofence.
- The
event is a stop-level return event. See the documentation for “Stop Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate thegeofenceEndTime
, andgeofenceEndLng
for a given stop.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 13:44:00",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave,Pittsburgh,PA,15224,US",
"customerAddress1":"4117 Liberty Ave",
"userName":"Smith, John",
"completionNotes":"Signer was really happy to receive delivery!",
The stopRouteUpdated
event is produced when the geographical route for a stop is updated in the Maven system.
- In the Maven dispatch portal, the dispatcher moves a stop from one geographical route to another.
- The
event is a stop-level return event. See the documentation for “Stop Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate theassociatedRouteCode
for a given stop.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 14:00:00",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave,Pittsburgh,PA,15224,US",
"customerAddress1":"4117 Liberty Ave",
"shipperCustomerName":"Maven Machines",
The parentStopMerged
event is produced when shipments from two or more stops are merged into a single stop in the Maven system. The resulting stop containing all of the affected shipments is referred to as the ‘parent’ stop.
- In the Maven dispatch portal, a dispatcher identifies two or more stops which share shipments which can be performed in the course of a single stop. The dispatcher selects these stops and chooses a parent stop as the merge target.
- In the Maven driver application, custom configuration can be made to allow drivers the ability to merge two stops together.
- The
event is a stop-level return event. See the documentation for “Stop Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate the state of the shipments being merged together onto a parent stop.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 14:00:00",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave,Pittsburgh,PA,15224,US",
"customerAddress1":"4117 Liberty Ave",
"performedByUserName":"Williams, Bob",
"shipperCustomerName":"Maven Machines",
"shipperCustomerName":"Maven Machines",
A shipmentCreated
event is produced when the integrations system successfully processes the creation of a new shipment.
- A new shipment is sent in through the integrations
POST /shipments
endpoint, and is successfully created.
- The
event is a shipment-level return event. See the documentation for “Shipment Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate the state of the shipment in the Maven system at the time it was updated.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 13:00:00",
"shipperCustomerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave,Pittsburgh,PA,15224,US",
"customerAddress1":"4117 Liberty Ave",
A shipmentUpdated
event is produced when the integrations system successfully processes an update for a shipment.
- An existing shipment is sent in through the integrations
POST /shipments
endpoint, and is successfully updated. - An existing shipment is edited from the available freight screen.
- The
event is a shipment-level return event. See the documentation for “Shipment Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate the state of the shipment in the Maven system at the time it was updated.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 13:00:00",
"shipperCustomerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave,Pittsburgh,PA,15224,US",
"customerAddress1":"4117 Liberty Ave",
A shipmentUpdatedInMaven
event is produced when a user successfully updates a shipment in Maven
- An existing shipment is edited from the available freight screen.
- The
event is a shipment-level return event. See the documentation for “Shipment Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The
attribute may be null if the shipment is not assigned to a stop at the time of update.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 13:00:00",
"shipperCustomerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave,Pittsburgh,PA,15224,US",
"customerAddress1":"4117 Liberty Ave",
The shipmentAssignment
event is produced when a shipment is assigned to a manifest in the Maven system.
- In the Maven dispatch portal or inbound planning board, A dispatcher or planner assigns one or more stops to a manifest. This will produce one
event for every shipment associated with the assigned stop(s). - In the Maven dispatch portal or inbound planning board, if a dispatcher or planner chooses to merge an unassigned stop into an assigned parent stop, one
event will be produced for each shipment being included in the merge. - A request is sent in through the integrations
POST /shipment
endpoint which specifies amanifestNumber
for assignment. - A request is sent in through the integrations
POST /manifests
endpoint which specifies additional shipment(s) to assign to an existing manifest. This will produce oneshipmentAssignment
event for every additional shipment.
- The
event is a shipment-level return event. See the documentation for “Shipment Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate the information about theassociatedStop
on the manifest where the shipment has been assigned.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 13:00:00",
"shipperCustomerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave,Pittsburgh,PA,15224,US",
"customerAddress1":"4117 Liberty Ave",
"userName":"Smith, John",
"performedByUserName":"Williams, Bob"
The shipmentComplete
event is produced when a pickup or delivery request for a shipment has been marked as processed in the Maven system. The action of ‘completing’ a shipment, in this sense, can refer to either a successful pickup/delivery, a refusal, or a cancelation.
- In the Maven driver application, during the course of the exchange of goods at a stop, the driver processes a pickup or delivery, then presses the button for “Finish Shipment”.
- In the Maven driver application, the driver marks a stop as canceled. This will produce a
event for each shipment associated with the canceled stop. - In the Maven dispatch portal, the dispatcher marks a stop as complete or canceled. This will produce a
event for each shipment associated with the stop. - A request is sent in through the integrations
POST /pickupRequests/cancel
endpoint which specifies a pickup Reference Number to be canceled.
- The
event is a shipment-level return event. See the documentation for “Shipment Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate the information about the state of the shipment at the time it was completed.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 13:40:00",
"completionNotes":"I lost it",
"consigneeCustomerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave,Pittsburgh,PA,15224,US",
"customerAddress1":"4117 Liberty Ave",
"userName":"Smith, John",
The shipmentRecomplete
event is produced when a pickup or delivery request for a shipment has been marked as re-processed in the Maven system. The action of ‘completing’ a shipment, in this sense, can refer to either a successful pickup/delivery, a refusal, or a cancelation.
- In the Maven driver application, the driver has the option to select a completed shipment and press a button to “Complete Again”. This will reopen the shipment to be processed again. Once the shipment is processed, the driver presses the button for “Finish Shipment”, which will trigger a
- The
event is a shipment-level return event. See the documentation for “Shipment Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate the information about the state of the shipment at the time it was re-completed.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 13:41:00",
"completionNotes":"I found it",
"consigneeCustomerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave,Pittsburgh,PA,15224,US",
"customerAddress1":"4117 Liberty Ave",
"userName":"Smith, John",
The stopAssignment
event is produced when a stops is assigned to a manifest in the Maven system.
- In the Maven dispatch portal, a dispatcher or planner assigns one or more stops to a manifest. This will produce one
event for every stop.
- The
event is a stop-level return event. See the documentation for “Stop Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 13:30:00",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave,Pittsburgh,PA,15224,US",
"customerAddress1":"4117 Liberty Ave",
"userName":"Smith, John",
The stopUnassignment
event is produced when a stop is unassigned to a manifest in the Maven system.
- In the Maven dispatch portal, a dispatcher or planner unassigns one or more stops to a manifest. This will produce one
event for every stop.
- The
event is a stop-level return event. See the documentation for “Stop Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 13:30:00",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave,Pittsburgh,PA,15224,US",
"customerAddress1":"4117 Liberty Ave",
"userName":"Smith, John",
The shipmentUnassignment
event is produced when a shipment is removed from a manifest in the Maven system.
- In the Maven dispatch portal or inbound planning board, A dispatcher or planner unassigns one or more stops from a manifest. This will produce one
event for every shipment associated with the unassigned stop(s). - In the Maven dispatch portal or inbound planning board, if a dispatcher or planner chooses to merge an assigned stop into an assigned parent stop, one
event will be produced for each shipment being included in the merge. - A request is sent in through the integrations
POST /shipment
endpoint which specifies a NULLmanifestNumber
for unassignment from an existing manifest. - A request is sent in through the integrations
POST /manifests
endpoint which does NOT specify one or more delivery Pro Numbers that are currently assigned to the manifest in the Maven system. This will produce oneshipmentUnassignment
event for every delivery being removed from the manifest.
- The
event is a shipment-level return event. See the documentation for “Shipment Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate the information about theassociatedStop
on the manifest where the shipment has been unassigned.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 13:00:00",
"shipperCustomerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave,Pittsburgh,PA,15224,US",
"customerAddress1":"4117 Liberty Ave",
"userName":"Smith, John",
"performedByUserName":"Williams, Bob"
The shipmentAssignment
event is produced when a shipment is assigned to a manifest in the Maven system.
- In the Maven dispatch portal or inbound planning board, A dispatcher or planner assigns one or more stops to a manifest. This will produce one
event for every shipment associated with the assigned stop(s). - In the Maven dispatch portal or inbound planning board, if a dispatcher or planner chooses to merge an unassigned stop into an assigned parent stop, one
event will be produced for each shipment being included in the merge. - A request is sent in through the integrations
POST /shipment
endpoint which specifies amanifestNumber
for assignment. - A request is sent in through the integrations
POST /manifests
endpoint which specifies additional shipment(s) to assign to an existing manifest. This will produce oneshipmentAssignment
event for every additional shipment.
- The
event is a shipment-level return event. See the documentation for “Shipment Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
event is to communicate the information about theassociatedStop
on the manifest where the shipment has been assigned.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 13:00:00",
"shipperCustomerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"customerAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave,Pittsburgh,PA,15224,US",
"customerAddress1":"4117 Liberty Ave",
"userName":"Smith, John",
"performedByUserName":"Williams, Bob"
The customerCreated
event is produced when the integrations system successfully processes a new customer record.
- A new customer is sent in through the integrations
POST /customers
endpoint, and is successfully created.
- The
event is a customer-level return event. See the documentation for “Customer Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
is to communicate the state of the customer in the Maven system at the time it was updated.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 12:00:00",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"addressStreet":"4117 Liberty Ave",
"geocodedAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15224, USA",
"timezone": "America/New_York"
The customerUpdated
event is produced when the integrations system successfully processes an update to a customer record.
- An existing customer is sent in through the integrations
POST /customers
endpoint, and is successfully updated.
- The
event is a customer-level return event. See the documentation for “Customer Level Data” for documentation. - Attributes will be returned with a default NULL value in the event that there is no value currently set in the Maven system.
- The primary purpose of the
is to communicate the state of the customer in the Maven system at the time it was updated.
"timestamp":"2022-01-01 13:00:00",
"customerName":"Maven Machines",
"addressStreet":"4117 Liberty Ave",
"geocodedAddress":"4117 Liberty Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15224, USA",
"timezone": "America/New_York"
Updated 9 days ago